Lag B’Omer is not just for Families & Kids…
If its Lag B’omer, its time for some of us hairy men to finally shave that itchy long beard and trim our hair, because it is time to socialize! It’s time for our hair to be cut but its also time for an amazing date with a wonderful single adult from the Jewish Community to tag along to an event or to have a romantic fire with you. It is also a great time to be with friends. Find a local park or someone who has a great backyard, and find a way to get a bon fire going and get some good story telling or conversation started.
Most orthodox Jewish singles are stuck with shul events or synagogue events tailored towards children and families, so its up to us to create our own “something” for others to enjoy.
We need people in the community that are willing to host and maybe that is you.
We need to find individuals that have a bit of a wild side and want to have a nice bon fire in the backyard or ask someone on a date to a bon fire Lag B’omer Experience. These are ways to truly enjoy the day/evening!
The holiday is special for many reasons: Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai’s Anniversary of his death (maybe due to potentially misprint in literature), his revealing of the secrets of the kabblah or a day on which the plague that killed Rabbi Akiva’s 24k of disciples came to a final end, and for this reason Sefirat Ha’Omer concludes on Lag Ba’Omer for some early enders for whatever reason, 😊 . I say, keep it going, the beards are not so bad!
Anyways, make the day fun and enjoy the company of all of your Jewish Community!