How to work with a Shadchan or Matchmaker
Many of you are looking for advice, help, suggestions or even being the intermediary for you. Matchmakers / Shadchans are great intermediaries to help with advice and potential matches. Many have a history of setting up singles and enjoy the opportunity to help. They will offer you date ideas, how to discuss hard to talk about topics, how to find the right one and much more! Shadchans in particular even know many Jewish laws around dating and halachot in case you are looking for more insight on a orthodox level.
It is custom, if you get married to any suggested matches by a Shadchan or Matchmaker, to offer them some type of monetary gift, as it is said spiritually, very important to show gratitude and offer a gift to those that help you in the marriage process. Most people give a gift of money, so the matchmaker can use that money for either another cause, charity, wedding situation, or even personal financial assistance. Many give Shadchans / Matchmakers on the lower end are given $500 up to to $3000++ depending on who you are using and what is comfortable for your family; but of course, it is customary based on the individual and what is comfortable for you too. Professional Match making services outside of JMeetups.com can charge well beyond $3000, as it is a unique service that can potentially offer you Love and for that, it is priceless. On Jmeetups, we have no real price guide and our Shadchans are in it for the mitzvah of doing the match, as well as what you believe is fair at the time of you getting married.
Feel free to message any shadchan on JMeetups and let them know you are looking for help in any area of need. Also, feel free to edit your profile and add the option that you are open to having shadchans and matchmakers contact you. If you see a profile outlined in Red, that means, it is a shadchan / match maker profile of someone who is married looking to help you with finding matches or singles events locally for you to join.

At the end of the day, if you can not afford a matchmaker, do not worry, any gift is good enough as long as it is sincere – Matchmakers are not doing this just for the money, they love helping and making wonderful marriages and happy families across the world. Some of them truly, donate all earnings to other causes and its amazing what wonderful things they do, as most run non for profits, charities, influence funding other weddings and shidduchs post weddings and much more!
We hope you are open to reaching out to Shadchans/Matchmakers, especially those on Jmeetups.com or in general as everyone in a Shadchan / Matchmakers role is looking to make sure you as Jewish Single are taken care of in the Jewish community. We wish you much success!